Demandbase Certified Premier Partner


Optimize Your Demandbase for Better Revenue Performance

FREE 60-minute session

Seeing the value in vs realizing the value from

a technology purchase can sometimes be further apart than you’d like. It’s not just enough to have access to the features and functionality that you have invested in. You need to operationalize it within your business, which includes an audit of your current capabilities, assessment of changes that will occur to processes as a result of the new capabilities, data and technologies integrations that ensure the most complete workflows, and change management and enablement of your team to ensure they understand and know how to leverage all your technology has to offer.

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But where do you start?
Creating a plan is half the battle!

Inverta offers a FREE 60-minute workshop to help your organization understand the delta between where you are today and where you’d like to be as to the use of Demandbase. We’ll walk you through:

  • Assessing your current use of Demandbase, including your system setup, use of key features and insights to power your campaigns and activities
  • Identifying additional uses that are desired or required to help you see the value of your investment
  • Highlighting the blockers that prevent you from using Demandbase to its fullest advantage
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As an outcome of the session we will create a 6-month roadmap that outlines

  • Suggested optimizations of your Demandbase instance for greater insights and usability
  • Necessary integrations within your martech stack to ensure maximum performance of not only Demandbase, but your full stack!
  • How to integrate Demandbase into Campaign planning and Annual Planning to ensure increased, consistent use
  • Advice for creating alignment with and enabling your Sales team on the tool to ensure that marketing and sales are in lock step for driving the most revenue generation for your business
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Need more information?

Clear strategy, executed brilliantly